I truly cannot begin to round up enough versions or languages of “THANK YOU” to convey the thanks in my heart and the hearts of my family & the Greenes for all you have done to support us during this time. We aren’t sure we are anywhere near accepting what has happened, or believing it still… but we know that we couldn’t do this without all of you.
Connor & Danny started school this week. Football is well underway and they are loving it! It is with the support of their friends and the AMAZING family & staff at SLDM that is getting them through their days. And they absolutely LOVE being at Chrissy’s and I positively LOVE being a part of their every day routine and so do Ryan and Maddie! They feel they have gained FOUR brothers! It is like Disney World over here. I ESPECIALLY enjoy their night time routine, when I read to them. (Night time is definitely the most difficult time for all of us, especially Connor… but we are making progress) Right now we are reading “Kickoff” (adorable story about Tiki & Ronde Barber as kids). I actually took the book over from Chrissy around Chapter 3, and on the 2nd page of the first chapter that I read to them, the boys’ mom talked about their neighbor having a HEART OF GOLD. I knew right then and there that I was meant to read this book to them at THAT point and going forward. Shannon was sending me a sign. Danny was actually asleep but Connor and I exchanged glances, a quick hug, and I kept reading with a tear in my eye and a happy heart. I plan to be more than just an aunt going forward and cannot wait to make a new life with my sweet nephews & my amazing family all around me!
As for their futures, we have been so blessed with many donations from generous individuals and proceeds from the t-shirts, PDF’s, bracelets and tumblers will help immensely! Also, a WONDERFUL woman I met through Instagram (@mommameggy) did an auction for the boys last Saturday and she raised over $4,600. That money is already in our hands and we are so unbelievably grateful and blown away by her generosity to hold the auction (it was a LOT of work and she is a mommy of 2 herself). Equally, we are grateful to everyone who donated and bid on items! THANK YOU!
There is one last avenue you can directly donate to the Connor and Danny Hall Trust – via PayPal.com. I have set up an account to directly link to the Trust, and you can send payment to ColleenStine@gmail.com – Make sure to select “I’m sending money to a family or friends” – even a $5 donation would help these boys through college. Also as a reminder, you can also directly deposit to the Connor and Danny Hall Trust at any PNC Bank.
I will keep everybody updated as to the progress of the boys & PROMISE to uphold Shannon’s Facebook posts and traditions. I am so pleased that so many people LOVED their back to school pic! Oh and ONE last thing! I created this printable in honor of Shannon and it can be purchased here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/199960777/the-dash-in-memory-of-shannon-instant?ref=listing-3
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers. We love you all!!
Colleen (& fam!) #ShannonSmiles
Thanks so much for your sweet update on Connor and Danny. Many of us SLDM parents that have known the boys all these years appreciate hearing how loved and comforted they are in the arms of your family and extended family. Shannon is irreplaceable, but these boys are indeed fortunate to have her family that shares so many common values and her sunny view of everything. They deserve to still see the world through her eyes as a beautiful and hopeful place…perhaps it is even more important after what they’ve been through. Much love and keep up the great work as a sister, daughter, Mommy, and Aunt…you’re amazing and we continue to pray for all of you.
Pat Kniola ( Mom of SLDM 5th grader)
Thank you SO much, Pat. Mom and I were just talking before bed about how strong we feel and we decided it MUST be by the Grace of God and above all, by the Grace of Shannon. We have our moments of course. But we know that the best way to honor Shannon is by spreading her love and warmth to everyone. We cannot thank you enough for the support! I am sure I will be meeting you soon. Especially when we officially move back to INDY