Spring is almost here! But here in the midwest there is SNOW in the forecast tomorrow! Click here to download some Sunshine for hump day & remember… it’s alright
I love custom orders and requests!
Dorm Sweet Dorm Print Collage – now in the shop!
St. Patrick’s Day Freebie :)
And the winner is…
A classic twist on modern nursery art!
Thank you, Pinterest!!
I have been getting a lot of hits on this PRINTABLE in my shop thanks to Pinterest and have had some fun customizing it for people! One room mom did it for her child’s teacher. Another did it for what I intended; as a treat for the hospital nurses during delivery and another teacher did it for her team… but the possibilities are endless!!!! https://www.etsy.com/listing/161113974/printable-thank-you-for-labor-and?ref=shop_home_active_5
My first FREEBIE!!
So much!
I am SO excited about my new blog/website (THANKS to the insanely talented Casey from Sugar Studios) and have just needed a few moments to myself to write my first post. In light of Valentines Day and also because he has been my biggest, fan, helper and supporter throughout this entrepreneurial endeavorer, I am dedicating it to my husband, Doug. Last night we enjoyed a super fun and delicious Valentines Dinner OUT while my mom was in town to babysit. These nights out being just the 2 of us are few and far between these days as they should be, and looking at him from… Read More